use lastbullet aka modworkshop, youll find most of that there, if not everything.

also what might give you boost is downloading lower textures mods. To come back on topic, im not sure what these mods are called since i dont use em, but there are mods for disabling shadows, lowering corpse count, disabling fog, postprocessing, all kind of effects. even smallest stuttering can ruin experience and downgrade your skills in a game, and with that enjoyment and potential. pd2 with 45-50fps is terrible to play, i had an old laptop besides my pc, and that is what i was getting on laptop, very bad experience. so dont listen people sayin 30fps is enough (it is for console plebs maybe :P ). first person shooters need very smooth gameplay and precise and fluid movement and aim, no input lag/delay, and similar stuff. LC_MacroPack_Roads/LC_ExtrasPack_SkiesMacro: (I don't recommend using all these. Mod_overrides (stick in assets/mod_overrides Should be there by default, but if there isn't one, just make it):