Speedy MRP (Use SAP HANA Live to check on material availability and inventory days of supply in real time at exploded view level.This means that users can complete all their tasks simply and conveniently in a single userinterface – no matter how many different SAP applications they work with.) The apps offer role-based processes that are personalized for specific user groups in the organization and that are intuitive to operate.

SAP Fiori productivity apps (The current collection of 25 role-based productivity apps in SAP Fiori empower end users to perform recurring daily tasks with enhanced speed and efficiency across devices – whether they’re working on a desktop PC, smartphone, tablet, or notebook.Reduce adjustment efforts required to migrate SAP Business Suite to SAP HANA in-memory platform.First EHP to be optimized for both SAP HANA and traditional DBs.100 new business functions covering financial accounting, Logistics, HR, QM, and more.

650 business functions accumulated from prior EHPs.These new functionsare activated and usually delivered to customers every two years bundled with all the new and enhanced business software functionalities that SAP has delivered. The enhancement packages contain new functions for both generic and industry-specific processes.The switch controls whether the switch controlled code is executed or not at runtime. Activating a business function triggers switches.Customers can activate the new business functions that they want to use via the Switch Framework.Enhancement packages give enterprises the flexibility to extend their SAP software by adding only those functions and technical improvements that they actually need.